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Where did you do your work experience?


What did you do?

I worked with the health visitors for my town during my work experience. I helped do developmental checks on babies aged 6-8 weeks and 7-9 months, as well as toddlers.

What did you enjoy most?

I enjoyed the baby development checks and home visits the most!

What did you learn?

I learnt a lot about what children should be doing at a certain age, such as when they should be putting sentences together or when they need to be able to sit up unsupported.

I also learnt about different disorders and the disabilities babies and children can have within the first five years of their lives.

Do you have any advice for other people?

I advise people to do as much work experience as possible within the NHS. I am looking to go to Alder Hey in October for another week of work experience as I enjoy learning new things and skills.

It's also a great opportunity to see what the real world is like beyond school!

Tell us about your own experience