Where did you do your work experience?
What did you do?
I mainly did filing and general admin jobs but also things like checking patients in and filling in repeat prescriptions.
I also spent four half days shadowing healthcare assistants (HCAs), watching them take blood for testing patients' INR (international normal ratio) and blood sugar, and taking patients' blood pressure.
What did you enjoy most?
Probably the HCA shadowing because it was more hands on. I learnt a lot about why patients are tested for different conditions and how and why different medication is prescribed.
What did you learn?
I learnt about why a patient's INR needs to be in a certain range for certain conditions/medication, and whether or not patients' blood was too thick or thin and if their medication needed to be altered because of it.
I also learnt that you need to be able to adapt yourself easily. Different patients require different communication techniques. For example, with the elderly you might need to speak slower and louder, and simplify what you're saying for children.
Do you have any advice for other people?
Apply for your place early (in October/November) because they go quickly and not many surgeries accept work placements.
If the doctors talk to you, talk to them back! They are probably some of the most influential and interesting people that you'll meet in life. Turn up with a positive attitude and give it your best. It can be daunting when you first arrive and when you're sitting in on surgeries, but if you want a career in medicine you'll have to do it some time and it's good practice for when you go into the real world.
When people ask if you are an F1/F2 (Foundation year 1 or 2) doctor or when you are going to be ready to treat them, take it as a compliment! Work experience like this makes you think about your career and whether you want to do this for a living or is there another area you'd be interested in.
Confidentiality, politeness, confidence and respect are essential!
Tell us about your own experience