Where did you do your work experience?
What did you do?
I wrote to the hospital asking if it was possible to do some work experience in speech and language therapy. I was invited to a talk from two speech and language therapists who talked about what life is like in their role. One works in paediatrics and one works with adults.
There were five of us there and we were given a lot of information. I was the youngest, being only 15, and the other people were either just starting or just finishing their degree in speech and language therapy. It felt quite scary at first, but they were very nice people and it was all okay!
What did you enjoy most?
I really enjoyed learning about what speech and language therapists do. It was really interesting to talk to them because you can tell they really love their jobs and there was a lovely atmosphere.
What did you learn?
I learnt lots of things that I did not know. For example, I didn't realise before that speech and language therapists help people who have trouble swallowing. They also help people who find social situations difficult, for example those with Asperger syndrome or autism.
Do you have any advice for other people?
If you want a job in the NHS, you have to try and get as much experience as you can and ask lots of questions!
Tell us about your own experience