Where did you do your work experience?
What did you do?
I spent two full days and two half days at Sheffield Children's Hospital, in the paediatric surgery unit, ward M2, radiography and orthoptics.
I spent most of my time shadowing different staff members including a surgeon, a nurse and a radiographer. I watched an operation and sat in on consultations with children and their families.
What did you enjoy most?
I really enjoyed my morning watching a laparoscopic fundoplication operation! I thought I'd just see the team removing an ingrowing toenail or something, but the fundoplication was really interesting!
I also really, REALLY enjoyed my time on ward M2. The nurse I shadowed was really lovely and I met lots of children with different conditions.
What did you learn?
I gained an insight into the daily work of many different jobs in the NHS - it's not just doctors and nurses!
I spoke to lots of people about their training and how they ended up where they are now. Everyone was really nice.
Do you have any advice for other people?
If you really want a good placement, the best time is when you're 16+ for insurance reasons.
Get in contact with the appropriate people really early in advance. I had to organise my work experience a year in advance!
The human resources or learning and development department are a good port of call - see what they say. And be assertive! If you don't get a reply from an email within a month, give them a call!
Enjoy it :)
Tell us about your own experience