Where did you do your work experience?
What did you do?
I was assigned to be placed in the resuscitation training department where training of medical staff and testing and training of medical students and junior doctors takes place. In the department they have human simulators where testing and training takes place. I got to observe the simulations from the room which was fascinating and I learnt a lot from. The controller made the simulator show conditions which the students had to diagnose. I also was allowed to sit in on a CPR training session with the hospital staff which they all have to go to every so often. I was also allowed to visit the surgical training department where surgeons are trained using real body parts and walk around various wards with the chaplains to talk to placement. Overall it was a brilliant week and I am so thankful to all of the staff for making me and the other three girls from my school feel so welcome.
What did you enjoy most?
Watching the junior doctors
What did you learn?
I learnt a lot about various emergency conditions that staff in resus have to deal with.
Do you have any advice for other people?
Ask as many questions as you can because you'll most likely learn a lot. And ask for a reference which can be useful on a CV!
Tell us about your own experience