Where did you do your work experience?
What did you do?
I spent a week working with doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists who were all part of a multidisciplinary team helping patients with their recovery from strokes.
I participated in occupational therapy groups, observed physiotherapists, sat in on clinics with doctors, escorted patients to other departments such as radiology and took samples to the lab. I was also allowed to observe a CT scan and carotid doppler in radiology and an ECG in one of the clinics.
What did you enjoy most?
I really enjoyed sitting in on the clinics with the doctors and seeing the recovery that some patients made in the short space of time.
What did you learn?
I learnt a lot about strokes, what causes them and how patients are aided in their recovery. I also gained an insight into how certain departments are managed and how everyone's individual jobs fitted together.
One of the nurses also taught me how to take blood pressure using a cuff and stethoscope and one of the doctors taught me some basic anatomy on a CT scan.
Do you have any advice for other people?
Go for it.
Don't be shy, talk to the staff and ask them questions. Get the most out of it.
Tell us about your own experience