Where did you do your work experience?
What did you do?
I was given the opportunity to shadow a nurse and a urogynaecologist. Whilst shadowing the nurse, I was also able to perform some of the jobs that a nurse would do such as taking blood pressure, temperature and oxygen saturation readings. Furthermore, spending time on the wards allowed me to become accustomed to the surgical aspects of the profession, since I witnessed patients being brought onto the ward from theatre.
On the second day, I was in the urogynaecology clinic. I shadowed the specialist doctor and saw how she responded to the patients who came in with a variety of urogynaecological disorders, and I also stood by when she examined them (of course, with the permission of the patient). This particular doctor was also quite generous because she discussed each individual case with me and allowed me to look at the files of the patients to familiarise myself with the type of conditions that would arise in the gynaecology department.
The third day was definitely exciting because I attended an immediate life support training session in the clinical skills department of the hospital. I sat alongside professional doctors whilst they were being taught what to do if a patient went into cardiac arrest. I even got to take part in one of their real-life patient scenarios, where I performed chest-compressions on the critically ill patient (it's okay, the patient was only a doll!).
On the fourth and final day, I was in the early pregnancy assessment unit. This was definitely quite a heart-rending and emotional day, since I came across many women who were undergoing complications in the early days of their pregnancy - possibly meaning a miscarriage for many. This was quite a sensitive area which meant that I was unfortunately not allowed to witness the consultations. However, I did have great fun with the receptionist, who taught me a lot about the hospital, and let's not forget, without receptionists, how would the hospital function?
What did you enjoy most?
I enjoyed being on the wards, because I was doing practical work rather than just observing. Also, the nurses on the ward were very pleasant, which made the experience really cool! I even met another student on her second year of university, serving a work-placement at the hospital. She gave me some pretty good tips about careers and life in general. We were given a mission at one point to run to the hospital pharmacy, which was across the road, and collect some prescriptions in the rain! We got drenched, but after all, it was all for the purpose of helping the patients.
What did you learn?
I learnt how the work of each and every professional in the hospital is important because their jobs complement each other. For example, without the nurse to perform the observations on the patients, the doctor would not be able to assess the performance of the patient. Also, I learnt about what to do if a patient went into cardiac arrest. The skills I learnt could be useful to me one day.
Do you have any advice for other people?
My advice would be to ask lots of questions. It shows the health professionals that you're keen and enthusiastic. Also, be confident - don't be afraid of making mistakes, or asking the wrong questions. And most importantly, don't be put off doctors/nurses who may come across as rude - they have a hard job and may sometimes be slightly moody. My advice would be to remain cheerful and continue working hard.
Tell us about your own experience