Where did you do your work experience?
What did you do?
I was at Odstock Hospital in Salisbury for a week. I was on a ward called Pitton Ward which is for people with general problems or people who are recovering from minor or major surgery.
I couldn't do much because I was only work experience, but I was allowed to go to different clinics around the hospital. I went to physiotherapy and the ear, throat and nose clinics.
What did you enjoy most?
I enjoyed most of it to be honest as I got to shadow nurses and see what they do. I also made friends with some of the patients.
What did you learn?
I learnt that it's important to be friendly with patients and give them reassurance that everything is going to be okay.
Do you have any advice for other people?
Anyone going on work experience should definitely go to the NHS.
The staff are amazing and they helped me a lot.
Tell us about your own experience