Key stage 4
Step into the NHS for KS4
Prepare your students for the world of work with our flexible KS4 resources. There are five topic areas to choose from which develop key careers skills and help students discover a range of NHS roles.

Teaching resources
Prepare your students for the world of work with our revamped key stage 4 resources. Help learners in years 10-11 discover the range of roles available in the NHS while developing key careers skills.
The key stage 4 resources provide teachers with everything they need to deliver interactive and informative lessons with confidence. They span five topic areas that each deliver different learning outcomes:
1. My interests, skills and choices - students will reflect on their personal interests and skills and match them with NHS careers using a questionnaire and skills map resource.
2. Work-related skills - through an engaging skills activity and role play, students will explore qualities and skills needed for a range of NHS roles.
3. Verbal and non-verbal communication - students will learn how to prepare for an interview, with engaging resources such as body language prompt cards and emotion wheels.
4. Working to help young people deal with their problems - students will use factsheets to identify common issues young people face and create an engaging campaign to help people deal with these issues.
5. Preparing for the world of work - students will learn writing techniques and top tips to help them create a CV for a specific job.
What subjects does the resource support?
Each topic area contains a range of careers and PSHEE focused activities that can also be used to support other subjects, including English, drama, citizenship and health and social care. The flexible design means you can use the materials to suit your school's curricula.
What resources are provided?
The activities within each topic area are supported by teacher guidance, student worksheets and all the resources you need to deliver the lesson. Students can take interactive quizzes, work in groups, watch careers videos, role-play and even create their own CV! The resources are designed so you can use them in their entirety or adapt them to suit your needs.
Take a look and download the resources below!