Using the teacher resources
Download our teacher guide for an overview of our ready-made lesson plans and how to introduce meaningful career-related learning to your students.
It includes:
- how to integrate resources into schemes of work
- how the competition can help schools work towards Gatsby benchmarks
- the learning journey
- how to enter the competition
Download the resources
The teacher resources are made up of four parts. The finale is an exciting competition to showcase learning about NHS careers where your students could win Amazon vouchers and a prize for their class.
The resources provide a progressive framework for learning but you won’t need to work through all the materials for your students to benefit. It's designed to be flexible so you can create a programme to suit you and your students. There are a number of other resources that you can use, including a differentiation delivery planning grid.
All the teacher resources can be downloaded as a zip file here:
Download all competition resources
Introduce the competition
Step 1: The research phase
All of these materials will help students in the research phase of the project. On this website you will find:
- Careers A-Z - take a look at some of the 350 careers available in the NHS and learn what is involved day-to-day
- Career mapper quiz - find out which careers best suit you based on your skills and interests
- Updated! - videos of NHS staff - watch videos of staff in the NHS, including the new video 'NHS staff stories'.
There are also a number of printable employee portraits for students to explore:
- Employee portraits presentation (PowerPoint)
- Employee portraits presentation (PDF)
- Employee portraits with practice sheets (PDF)
- Employee portraits with practice sheets (Word)
Step 2: Understanding the job
In this phase, students use the job description template as guidance to research their chosen role. Have a look at the:
- Job description template for students (PDF)
- Job description template for students (Word)
- Useful glossary (PDF)
- Job description guidance (PDF)
Step 3: The job advertisement
This bit of the competition requires students to come up with a fun, lively and creative advertisement to tell other young people about their chosen role. Remember, it should show the research students completed in step two. To help, have a look at the following:
- Job advertisement guidance (PDF)
- A set of examples of previous entries (PowerPoint)
- A YouTube playlist of previous video entries
Step 4: Send us your entry
Please submit your entries online if it is possible to do so using the online entry form listed below. A pupil entry form should accompany every entry. The teacher entry form only needs completing if you are submitting entries by post. Please note that a job description is no longer needed; instead the research undertaken in step 2 should be shown in the job advertisement.
- Pupil entry form (PDF)
- Pupil entry form (Word)
- Online entry form (HTML)
- Teacher entry form for postal entries (PDF)
- Teacher entry form for postal entries (Word)
Supporting resources
We also have resources to differentiate the learning for all students, judge their entries, and celebrate student participation:
- Differentiation delivery planning grid (PDF)
- Judge score sheet (PDF)
- Judge score sheet (Word)
- Certificate of participation (PDF)
Enter the competition
For details of the competition (and the prizes!) check out our competition page.
Good luck!